What Is NHS Right To Choose?

The NHS Right to Choose is a policy in England that gives patients the legal right to choose their healthcare provider for certain non-emergency treatments and services. This means that if your GP refers you for a physical or mental health condition, you can decide which hospital or service you'd like to attend, including some private hospitals that offer NHS services. You may also be able to choose your clinical team, led by a consultant or named healthcare professional.

The NHS Right to Choose applies if:

How to use your Right to Choose:

Benefits of using your Right to Choose:

The NHS Right to Choose is a valuable right that can help you get the best possible care. If you have any questions, talk to your GP or another healthcare professional.

Who Is Part of Right To Choose?

The below is not an exhaustive list. Unfortunately, NHS England and NHS Integrated Care Boards do not keep a central record of which providers fall under the scheme(!) so this list will likely never be exhaustive, regardless of how much we add.

Current Waiting Times: 8—10 months 

Where: Colchester, Chelmsford and Braintree (Essex)


Adults: Young People: Medication:


Adults: Young People:

Appointments are usually in-person, but can be remote if deemed suitable.

Current Waiting Times: 9—12 months (recruitment is underway to reduce this) 

Where: Basingstoke, Hampshire


Adults: Young People: Medication:


Adults:   Young People:

Appointments are usually in-person, but can be remote if deemed suitable.

Current Waiting Times: 810 months 

Where: London


Adults: Young People: Medication:


Adults: Young People:

Appointments are always remote/virtual.

Current Waiting Times: 56 months 

Where: Manchester


Adults: Young People: ⚠️ (14+ only) Medication:  


Adults: Young People:

Appointments are always remote/virtual.

Current Waiting Times: 12+ months 

Where: Camelford, Cornwall


Adults: Young People: Medication:


Adults: Young People:

Appointments are always remote/virtual.

Current Waiting Times: 5—6 months 

Where: London


Adults: Young People: ⚠️  (coming soon) Medication:


Adults: Young People: ⚠️  (coming soon)

Appointments are always remote/virtual.

Current Waiting Times: 12+ months 

Where: Halifax, Yorkshire


Adults: Young People: Medication:


Adults: Young People:

Appointments are remote/virtual or face-to-face, as desired and balanced with clinical need.

Current Waiting Times: 5—6 months 

Where: London


Adults: Young People: Medication:


Adults: Young People:

Appointments are always remote/virtual.

Current Waiting Times: 1 month 

Where: Norfolk, Norwich


Adults: Young People:  ⚠️  (coming soon) Medication: ⚠️  (coming soon)


Adults: Young People:

Assessments consist of two virtual and one face-to-face appointment, at present.